Sunday, February 23, 2020

I Have Been Taught

I Have Been Taught
By Ayla Smith

From the time I was small,
A child exploring life,
I have had my parents nearby
To teach me how to be good

I have been taught many things,
Taught to be obedient,
To follow through on my promises,
To be true to myself

Taught to be strong,
To be forgiving and kind,
To be respectful and honest,
To follow and set a good example

To stand for what I believe,
Taught to be vigilant in prayer,
To love everyone for who they are,
Taught to endure to the end

But perhaps the greatest lesson
Is to love my Redeemer,
To be humble and accepting,
And to strive to be the best I can be

"Furthermore we have had fathers of our flesh which corrected us, and we gave them reverence: shall we not much rather be in subjection unto the Father of spirits, and live?"

Made Strong

Made Strong
By Ayla Smith

I was once weak like glass
I couldn't take a hit
Not without shattering
And spreading my misery around

A few years later I was a little stronger
I could take a hit
Without completely breaking
In front of everyone

I am now stronger than ever
I can take a hit
And remain standing afterward
And face the next thing coming

I never realized just how strong I was
Until my faith was tried
It brought me to my knees,
But I am made strong by Him

"And out of weakness he shall be made strong, in that day when my work shall commence among all my people, unto restoring thee, O house of Israel, saith the Lord." -- 2 Nephi 3:13

True Joy

True Joy
By Ayla Smith

What is true joy?
Is it laughter among friends?
Is it enjoyment in things of the world?
Is it getting everything we want?

Or is it loving service?
Or an act of faith on a bad day?
Or is it satisfaction after hard work?
Could it be the Light of Christ?

Joy is the look on one's face
When they have received kindness
The feeling in their hearts
After going the extra mile

Joy is knowing that you are forgiven,
Knowing that you are loved by someone,
Understanding the meaning of Grace,
Gaining the knowledge of God in all things

Joy is praising God when things are hard,
Expressing gratitude for all we are given,
Knowing you have done the right thing time and again,
Loving your enemy as well as your friends

"Adam fell that men might be; and men are, that they might have joy."  --2 Nephi 2:25

He Is

He Is 
By Ayla Smith 

What do I think of when I think of Christ?
Is He kind and gentle?
Is He loving and true?
Is He approachable to those who ask?

Does He love and support me?
Does He catch me when I fall?
Does He forgive me for my mistakes?
Does He stand by my side as I carry on?

He is strength to overcome trials
He is forgiveness for my imperfection 
He is love that never ends, that holds me close
He is truth, the light, and the way

He is a brother, a confidante
He is a friend, someone who listens 
He is a shepherd true, who cares for His flock
He is confidence in all we do and say

He is the One who helps us back up
He is the One who died that we might live
He is the One who rose again and broke the chains of death
He is the One who's waiting for me to come home

"Look unto me in every thought, doubt not, fear not." -- Doctrine and Covenants 6:36

Wednesday, February 5, 2020

What is True Strength

What is True Strength
By Ayla Smith 

What is true strength?
It is not physical, nor is it mental
It is not any one thing,
But a series of things interlocked

It is what you do and say
Strength is making it through the day
Picking yourself up after a fall
It is asking for help

It is turning to the One
Who is there no matter what,
Who will take our troubles
And turn them into quiet strength

Strength is saying "I'm okay"
At the end of a rough day
It is being able to stand
For everything that you believe

True strength is enduring,
Not giving up no matter how hard
It is saying "No" to temptation
So I ask, "What is true strength?"

"In the darkest times, hope is something you give yourself. That is the meaning of inner strength."

I May Not Be Perfect

I May Not Be Perfect
By Ayla Smith 

I may not be perfect
I'm not the most spiritual,
The smartest or wisest,
But I am a work in progress 

Nobody is perfect in life
We all make our mistakes,
But it is what we do about it
That shows who we truly are

Like a streak of paint on a canvas,
We can choose to make it beautiful
Or try to cover it, but all is seen
By the master who made us

"There are no mistakes,
Just happy accidents"
How does this apply to me?
I can pick myself up after a fall

No matter how hard the fall,
I can pull through in the end
Because I know there is one
Who cares for His children
“Condemn me not because of mine imperfection, neither my father, because of his imperfection, neither them who have written before him; but rather give thanks unto God that he hath made manifest unto you our imperfections, that ye may learn to be more wise than we have been.” --Mormon 9:31

Monday, February 3, 2020

Diamond in the Rough

Diamond in the Rough
By Ayla Smith

I am a unique and beautiful individual,
A diamond in the rough seas of emotion ,
An emerald among ashes of trial,
An imperfect, struggling soul searching for redemption

I stand out in a crowd because I'm different
I never truly fit in with the chaos around me
Each time I fall, I get back up again
The things that make me different are the things that make me me

Each day is a fight to continue on
Some days I can barely stand,
Yet I get up again, stronger than before
A fire burns inside me, an urge to improve daily

I ask myself, "What makes me special?"
Each time my answer is the same
What makes me a different kind of special
Is the determination to press forward

No matter how hard it is to move forward,
I know it will all be worth it in the end
Because there is someone who sees my fight
He is the One who made me a diamond in the rough

"When He shall appear we shall be like Him, for we shall see Him as He is; that we might have this hope; then we may be purified even as He is pure."

Sunday, February 2, 2020

His Hand is Outstretched Still

His Hand is Outstretched Still
By Ayla Smith

My heart is overwhelmed with emotion
Depression, doubt, guilt, whatever it may be,
It is all inconsequential in the long run
Trials are hard, but make me stronger than ever

When it seems I am alone in life,
There is one who will not abandon me
He is continually reaching out for me
Wanting to catch me each time I fall

Shame, fear, and negativity rear their heads
I turn away from what I have known to be true
And turn to things that cannot satisfy my heart
Pain, anguish, and agony are all that come of this

Shaken up and unsure of where I stand,
I admit to my wrongs and return to the truth
On my knees, begging forgiveness,
I plead for the strength to change for the better

Comforting arms encircle me as I cry out
Warmth and comfort that only He can bring
I am learning the true meaning of freedom
Freedom from pain and oppression, true joy

Weakly, I take the hand that is offered
And stand, ready to try again, even if I'll fail
He will be there to catch me when I fall
Because His hand is outstretched still

"Repentance is not punishment or oppression. It is just the opposite. It is a wonderous gift from God that will bring joy to the sorrowful and relief to the spiritually infirm. It is strong spiritual medicine that brings healing to all who will embrace its power."-- Neil L Andersen